Leadership & Management (24)

  • Saurabh Baradia

    Saurabh Baradia

    Leadership & Management


    456 week ago

  • Kaicee Alexander

    Kaicee Alexander

    Leadership & Management

    Dear Entrepreneur: Have you found an excellent idea and established your business and struggled to scale it up. Have you found the wonderful business you have build is not rewarding you with adequate profit and cash flow. Often competition, big customers, challenges in getting quality staff etc. strain you when you want to grow the business. If so, you are not alone. You will need to fine tune your excellent skills to let your dreams take you to the next levels of success. You may want to bounce your ideas with a mentor. Let me know if you need help.

    458 week ago

  • Shankar Mandapaka

    Shankar Mandapaka

    Leadership & Management

    We offer Business Transformation Consultancy across any sector where transformation can happen from People, Process and Technology point of view. We provide workshops, conduct due diligence and then submit proposal for the actual demand. I have created a Consortium of IT companies to give IT solutions. I believe in collaboration. If interested you can reach me at shankarnm@masticconsultancy.co.in

    472 week ago

  • Asefa Vijay Kumar

    Asefa Vijay Kumar

    Leadership & Management

    Essential Five Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd., focus on leadership and mid management development and transforming individuals to achieve their professional and personal goals. We provide Classroom Session, Virtual Session as well as One-on-One Coaching Sessions for Senior and Mid Level Leaders

    478 week ago

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