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The reasons of conversion are self-evident such as ability to take unlimited number of partners, separate legal entity, LLp annual compliance and ease of ownership transfer. Because of these advantages of LLP over Partnership
Connecting Job Seekers with their dream Careers and helping global and local businesses find the right talent.
DBTIC 19:13 Inc. Started from a Noble cause of helping out Filipino Farmers to Market their produce, It was established on May 2012 to cater the demand of the food industry. Our primary items is to supply Fruits and Vegetables, meat poultry product(fresh chicken, cut ups chicken, eggs) and General Merchandise.
With over 200 satisfied customers from across 43 countries, we at Cuneiform Communications operate with an idea-driven approach where we inherit your concept and provide potential verticals to bring out the best from your idea. Once the idea has been optimized, we help you incorporate it into your business model with the help of custom web development, mobile application technologies, and even digital marketing.
DonorKite is a seamless donation management software for fundraising organizations. Most people will be willing to donate to a cause they believe in, and usually want to contribute regularly whenever possible. So fundraising organizations such as non-profit organizations, religious institutions, and charity organizations should be able to identify such benefactors and make it easy for them to donate with features such as donation acknowledgment, generating instant receipts, and ensuring that ea
Digital & Technology: Overview
Digital technology is driving significant changes across just about every area of our lives. From ecommerce to fintech and IT solutions – new developments and advancements are creating many opportunities in the sector.
A growing base of Digital & Technology businesses are part of the GlobalLinker platform. This includes business owners in the following categories — Animation & Gaming, Blogs, Digital Solutions, Marketing & Services, Ecommerce, FinTech, IT Software & Services, Technology & Related Services, Web Portals etc.
GlobalLinker offers Digital & Technology businesses rich opportunities to showcase their business; network with other business owners; find customers, partners and suppliers; digitise their services; foray into exports; benefit from a host of knowledge resources and events; and avail of special offers for their business growth.
Here are some great examples of businesses that have grown with GlobalLinker’s ecommerce solution – Look And Adorn | DC Mart | SPLAKDHN